Enjoy short, cute love pain status for Whatsapp, facebook. Get sad, hurt, body pain status for Whatsapp in Hindi, English. Only best love pain status quotes or messages for Whatsapp, facebook, girl, boy, him and her.
Can Read: Best Breakup Status For Whatsapp in Hindi and English.
Must Read: Waiting Status for Whatsapp in Hindi and English.
Can Read: New, sad and alone status for Whatsapp and Facebook.
Can read: Short jealous status for Whatsapp in Hindi, English.
Can Read: Sad and Hurt Status for Whatsapp in Hindi and English.
We have just covered love pain status for Whatsapp, facebook in Hindi and English. If you are hurt, sad, and angry for been left alone then fire your emotions with our latest Whatsapp status collection.
Can read: Best emotional status, quotes for Whatsapp, Facebook.
Can read: Short cheat status for Whatsapp, Facebook.
If you liked our content on love pain status for Whatsapp in Hindi then like us on Facebook or tweet for us.

Pain status for Whatsapp
If you are hurt and want to share your sad, body pain status for Whatsapp, then we have a unique and cool collection of Love pain status quotes for you.Can Read: Best Breakup Status For Whatsapp in Hindi and English.
I am in a pain of love, still silently bear it.
I like rains because I can cry, and nobody can see the pain.
Sometimes memories are like pain killer, and sometimes they hurt painfully.
Strong people can hide their tears, but can’t hide a pain of being hurt.
I pretended to be seen as a happy man, still, people can see the pain.
I like music because it acts as a pain reliever for me.
I enjoyed seeing people in pain, now hate people seeing me in pain.
I don’t know how animals can feel your pain, even though you tried best to hide it.
I lost my pet, it’s sad but giving more pain to me.
One day I saw my dog with tears in eyes, then I realized the pain of his when I was not on time.
My opponents take my name with respect but she easily played with my heart and went away.
My mind is active, but my body is inactive part of my life.
I can fight for you till the time you are standing behind me.
I am alive because of my responsibilities otherwise, I am dead since you left me.
Must Read: Waiting Status for Whatsapp in Hindi and English.
Love pain status for Whatsapp
So you have been ditched by someone or you think someone is cheating with you, then share your thoughts and feeling with him or her to convey what exactly you are feeling. We have a sad, heart, love pain status for Whatsapp, facebook in Hindi.Can Read: New, sad and alone status for Whatsapp and Facebook.
Can read: Short jealous status for Whatsapp in Hindi, English.
हमारी हिम्मत को हमारे दुश्मन भी मानते हैं,
पर वो तो खिलौने की तरह दिल तोड़ गयी।
शायद आपको मालूम ना होगा,
अब ये दिल किसी और का ना होगा,
दिल बहुत उदास होगा, पर किसी के साथ ना होगा।
उनकी बेवफाई पर गुस्से के बदले प्यार आता है,
इसीलिए तो हमारा चाँद हमारी गली में बार बार आता है।
बहुत सकून से सोते थे, जब तक तुम से नहीं मिले थे,
अब सकून को खो बैठे, पागल थे जो आप से प्यार कर बैठे।
खुश थे जब तक प्यार में नहीं थे,
अब दुखी हैं, क्यूँकि प्यार में जो हैं।
लोगों और आँखों की बातों में ना आना यार,
आजकल दोनों ही जुठ बोलते हैं, मेरे यार।
दुख तो हुआ था जब तुम्हें किसी और की बाँहों में देखा था,
आज खुश हूँ, जो कल मुझ पर बिता था, आज उस पर बिता है।
चोरी करने वाला साधु नहीं हो सकता,
लोगों को लूटने वाला भगवन नहीं हो सकता,
किसी के प्यार को धोखा देने वाला, इंसान नहीं हो सकता।
लोग कहते हैं, टूटे हुए दिलों को देख यूँ मुस्कुराया ना करो,
कैसे बताएँ उन्हें की, अपनी मुस्कराहट से ही टूटे हुए दिल को छुपाया करो।
यूँ तो हम वादा तोडने के लिए करते थे,
पर तुझे न भूलने का वादा निभाएंगे हम,
मर जायेंगे, पर तेरा नाम अपने दिल से ना हटायेंगे हम।
कुछ कहते हैं प्यार सजा है,
कुछ कहते हैं प्यार बस कुछ पल का मजा है,
हम कहते हैं, अगर सच्चा प्यार तो वो आपके जीने की वजह है।
हम शायरों की ना पूछो यारो,
सब के सब दिल के हाँथों चूर है,
तभी तो हाले दिल लिखने को मजबूर हैं।
Can Read: Sad and Hurt Status for Whatsapp in Hindi and English.
We have just covered love pain status for Whatsapp, facebook in Hindi and English. If you are hurt, sad, and angry for been left alone then fire your emotions with our latest Whatsapp status collection.
Can read: Best emotional status, quotes for Whatsapp, Facebook.
Can read: Short cheat status for Whatsapp, Facebook.
If you liked our content on love pain status for Whatsapp in Hindi then like us on Facebook or tweet for us.
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