Wednesday 23 November 2016

Good Night status for Whatsapp, Good Night quotes in Hindi, English

Enjoy best, short, cute, lovely, good night status for Whatsapp, facebook, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife. Only new, latest, unique, good night quotes, sayings, messages in Hindi, English.

Good night status for Whatsapp in Hindi

If you are looking for sweet, cute, funny, lovely, heart touching good night quotes in Hindi then enjoy our best and updated good night status for Whatsapp in Hindi. Never forget to share our creativity with your friends on social sites.

Can read: Best good morning status quotes for Whatsapp in Hindi, English.

शुभ रात्रि मेरे मित्रों, भगवान आपका और आपके परिवार को खुश रखे |
हांत ज़ोर कर, सच्चे मन से भगवान को शुक्रिया, सुंदर जीवन देने के लिए | Good night friends.
सबको जल्दी गुड नाइट कहने का मन करता है, क्योंकि सपनों में उनसे मिलना जो होता है |
चलो जिंदगी की गहराई को भूलें और नींद की गहराई में सो लें | Good night my love.
शरीर की बैटरी डाउन है, उसे चार्ज करने का टाइम है, गुड नाइट दोस्तों |
स्वस्थ रहना है तो ज़ोर से हँसो और ज़ोर से खर्राटे लो |
हक़ीकत में तुम हम से दूर हो गये, सच मानों सपनों में भी तुम खो गये |
जिंदगी लंबी ज़िनी है तो लंबी नींद और लंबी स्माइल दो |
सुना है सपने बार बार देखने से सपने सच हो जाता हैं, देखो आज भी हम आपको ही देखते हैं |
सोने दो मुझे फुल टाइट, क्यूकी कल Sunday है, Am I right?
चाँद मामा, आज जल्दी ना जाना, कल रविबार है, सूरज को लेट बुलाना |
माना की जिंदगी में हम ग़रीब हैं, पर सपनों के हम अमीर हैं |

Can read: Cute good morning SMS in Hindi, English.

Good night status for Whatsapp in English

If you want to impress your girl or boy with impressive and short Shubh Ratri quotes then enjoy our most popular good night status for Whatsapp in English. Once again, never forget to spread the quality via social sites.

Can read: Best god status for Whatsapp, Facebook.

What is good in a night? You can dream anything.
Angel asked me the wish, long live for the reader of this line, I said.
We enjoyed the day together, let’s live it again in dreams. Good night.
Don’t dare to miss my hot moves in dreams, I will set you tonight. Good night.
Never live in dreams rather enjoy those dreams. Happy nights.
Want to be healthy? Then, snore loud and sleep tight.
Laugh loud and sleep long will give you healthy and wealthy life. Good night.
Days have pressure and tensions, nights have only attractions.
I hate morning because it wakes up all from the lovely dreams. Good night friends.
Let’s say goodbye to a real world and say hello to a dream world.
I don’t like saying good morning, or good evening, I just like saying good night.
We are in beds in own rooms, don’t you think one of us is in a wrong place? Good night sweetheart.

Can read: Best Whatsapp status, best quotes in Hindi, English.


We have just seen the best collection of good night status for Whatsapp, facebook, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife and friends. If you really enjoyed our content on good night status for Whatsapp in Hindi, English then share it with your friends across the world on social sites.

Can read: Best Awkward moment quotes, status for Whatsapp, Facebook.

Can read: Best Happiness status for Whatsapp, Facebook in Hindi, English.

If you have any query then write to us otherwise, just like us on facebook or tweet for us on twitter. It will motivate our team to write more creative and innovative quotes, status or sayings for Whatsapp status collection.

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