Enjoy cool, cute, best god status for Whatsapp, facebook, girl, boy, husband and wife. Get god status for Whatsapp in Hindi, English. Only best god status quotes or messages.
Must Read: Best one line Whatsapp status in Hindi and English.
Can Read: Respect status for Whatsapp in Hindi and English.
You worship god and want others to do the same? Then share Hindi god Whatsapp messages or quotes with your near and dear one. Enjoy the Hindi collection, which is the unique as well.
Can read: Indian god, Bhagwan status for Whatsapp, Facebook.
Can Read: Best parents status for Whatsapp, Facebook.
We have just cover best god status for Whatsapp in Hindi and English. If you really enjoyed our Whatsapp status collections then do share it with friends or in a network.
Can read: Indian god, Sai Baba status for Whatsapp, Facebook.
If you liked our content on god status for Whatsapp in English and Hindi, then either like us on facebook or tweet for us. It will motivate our team to write more quality status for you guys.

God Status For Whatsapp In English
If you are looking for cute, cool and short God status then we have the best collection of God status for Whatsapp for you guys. Enjoy and share it with friends.Must Read: Best one line Whatsapp status in Hindi and English.
Just pray and hope for the best.
God helps only hard working people.
Don’t blame god for your wrong doing.
Don’t think negative otherwise, it will shape your life.
Prayer without determination is a waste of time, not yours but of god.
God, never take off your blessing, be always kind like you were over the years.
Never plan anything in advance because god has different plans for you.
I can’t see god but I can feel in my heart.
Life is full of uncertainty, pray best for your near or dear one.
Sorry friends, I am busy talking to god.
You can’t imagine life without a god and his worship.
You are asking what god did for you? Now you tell me what you did for yourself?
God has given you life, just believe yourself and have faith in yourself.
If you believe in a god then you should believe in devils as well.
You are praying for best to happen in life but did you work hard to expect the best?
Can Read: Respect status for Whatsapp in Hindi and English.
God Status For Whatsapp In Hindi
You worship god and want others to do the same? Then share Hindi god Whatsapp messages or quotes with your near and dear one. Enjoy the Hindi collection, which is the unique as well.
Can read: Indian god, Bhagwan status for Whatsapp, Facebook.
भगवान से खुभ शिकायतें थी, पर गरीबों को देख कर लगता है, मेरी शिकायतें फिजूल थी।
प्यार, मोहबत, लव, इश्क़ सब दिलो को मिलाने का बस नाम है,
असली जोड़ी बनाना तो भगवान का काम है।
आप दोस्त और दुश्मन चुन सकते हो, पर परिवार भगवान ही चुनते हैं।
ब्रहमांड के भगवान को ना ढूंढ़ पाए सही से, जो इस ब्रहमांड में लए आपको, उनकी ही पूजा कर लो सही से।
मन और भगवान दोनों ही निर्माता हैं, और हम उनकी सन्तान हैं।
अपने आप पर भरोसा रखो, ईश्वर की कृपा बानी रहेगी आप पर।
भगवान से आपने पूछा की क्या किया मेरे लिए?
आप बताओ, आपने क्या किया अपने लिए?
भगवान के घर देर है, अंधेर नहीं।
शिकायत मत करो भगवान से, अपनी शिकायतों को शिकस्त दो अपनी हिम्मत से।
धर्म और ग्रंथ सिर्फ प्यार और भाईचारे की बात सिखाता है।
सच का साथ देना भी भगवान तक पहुँचने का रास्ता है।
मेरे पास अमीरो के जैसे सुविधा नहीं है, पर भगवान की कृपा बानी हुई है।
भगवान के नाम से ठगने वाले भगवान के सेवक नहीं, आपकी कमाई के भक्षक है।
स्वर्ग की चाह है तो, स्वर्ग तक पहुँचने वाले काम करो।
भगवान आपको दिखेंगे नहीं, क्यूँकि माँ-बाप है, उनकी कमी पूरी करने के लिए।
गुनाहों को माफ़ करने वाले इंसान नहीं हो सकता, मेरी माँ सच में भगवान ही है।
भगवान से माफ़ी मांगने से क्या होगा? अपने गुनाहों की माफ़ी उनसे मांगो, जिनके तुम गुनहगार हो।
Can Read: Best parents status for Whatsapp, Facebook.
We have just cover best god status for Whatsapp in Hindi and English. If you really enjoyed our Whatsapp status collections then do share it with friends or in a network.
Can read: Indian god, Sai Baba status for Whatsapp, Facebook.
If you liked our content on god status for Whatsapp in English and Hindi, then either like us on facebook or tweet for us. It will motivate our team to write more quality status for you guys.
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