Saturday 1 October 2016

Romantic Status for Whatsapp in Hindi, Engilsh, Romantic quotes

Enjoy cool, cute, best romantic status for Whatsapp in Hindi, English. Get new, funny romantic status for Whatsapp, girl, boy, husband, wife, him and her. Only latest romantic status quotes or messages.

Romantic Whatsapp status in English

Are you looking for the romantic quotes or messages to share it with your friends, girlfriend or boyfriends? Then we have cute, and latest collection for you.

Can read: Best friendship status for Whatsapp, Facebook.

My day starts with thinking of you and ends with dreaming of you.
My friend caught me smiling alone, he said welcome to the lovers club.
A person will not let you go if he/she truly in love with you.
I enjoyed talking to you, love meeting you and happy marrying you.
I can think of you as my life partner. But can’t see you as other’s life partner.
Romance will let you feel like a superstar, yes you are at least for your partner.
You are cool and I am hot when our lips will meet it will be just awesome.
I will stop demanding a gift from god because almighty has gifted you to me.
My heart beats fast not because I am heart patient just because I love patient.
I dreamt of your day and night, and I can’t believe that now you are mine.
Let’s take an oath, no matter what has happened or what will happen, we will never leave each other but we will live together.

Can read: Best crush status for Whatsapp, Facebook.

Romantic status for Whatsapp in one line

If you are looking for one line romantic status for Whatsapp then we have a short and cute solution for you as well. Just enjoy and share your feelings.

Can read: Best Kiss SMS in Hindi for Girlfriend, Boyfriend.
Don’t say goodbye, if you have still feeling for her/him.
I will not message you first, but I am dying to talk to you.
My sudden smile shows that I still love you.
I love my life because now it’s your life.
Even in a bad situation, true lover goes hand to hand.
I will love you till my last breadth
When I saw you, my heart gave green signaled for you.
I will love you now and forever.
Just thinking of you made my day.
Love is not happening though the heart is beating.
It’s raining, let’s go romantic before it will stop.
Don’t look for the occasion to go romantic, just go romantic.
Seeing you happy is my wish but I wanted to be the reason.
I wish we will love and live together.

Can read: Best collection of Hug SMS in Hindi for Girlfriend, boyfriend.

Romantic status for Whatsapp in Hindi

So you want Hindi romantic status for Whatsapp? No problem we have every solution for your query. Enjoy Hindi romantic quotes with your near and dear one.

Can Read: Most popular propose SMS for girlfriend, boyfriend.
सुना था प्यार एक बार ही होता है, फिर हम पर प्यार का भूत दुबारा क्यों चढ़ा है,
शायद सच्चे प्यार का एहसास इसी बार हुआ है। 
मान जाइए कहना हमारा, दिल में थोड़ी सी जगह रहने दीजिये,
या तो धड़कनों को आने दीजिये, या फिर हमे मरने दीजिये। 
आपको नाराज होने की क्या जरुरत है, बस इशारा कीजिये, हम खुद ही कत्ल हो जायेंगे। 
कोई मेरे लिए रोया, ये सुनकर ही दिल प्रसन्न हो गया, अब ना आएंगे उन आँखों में आंसू, जो मेरा हो गया। 
तस्वीर ना हटेगी अब इस दिल से तेरी, हासिल करके रहेंगे तुझे,
चाहे तकदीर ही क्यों ना बदलनी पड़े तेरी। 
लोग कहतें हैं प्यार में ताकत होती है, हम कहते हैं, प्यार सबसे बड़ी आफत होती है। 
वाह री लड़की, मुझे कहती है प्यार को छुपाना है, और सबके सामने हमें देख मुस्कुराती है। 
अपुन सबका भाई है, और तू अप्पून की होने वाली लुगाई है, कोई नहीं छेड़ेगा तुझे, वरना सबकी ठुकाई है।
 आप मुझे अच्छे लगे,  दिल के बारे सच्चे लगे, बस अकल से कच्चे लगे, फिर भी मेरे अपने लगे।
प्यार में अच्छा बुरा नहीं होता, बस अपना पराया होता है। 
शिकायतों का ज्वालामुखी था मेरे अंदर, पर आपको देखते ही बन जाता हूँ पालतू बन्दर। 
आपको सजने का हक़ है, पर बदसूरत दिखने का हक़ नहीं, भूल गे अब आप अपने ही नहीं मेरे भी हो। 
Can Read: Best heart touching status for Whatsapp, Facebook.


We have just seen an awesome collection of romantic status for Whatsapp in Hindi and English. If you enjoyed it then share with your friends, near or dear one. If you have any suggestions then write to us, we always welcome our reader's input.

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